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Project Advisory Services

Implementing a robust ERP like SAP isnot always a straight and easy task, But this task becomes easy if you have a computer advisory by your side. Lur expert panel are aware of your end-to-end deliveires and solutions portfolio. Hence our advisory services accompanied by a strong knowledge of the internal structure of the organization helps to mitigate the business challenges.

The common business-driven questions that
we generally answer
Is your SAP implementation or the functional upgrade highly optimized?
Is your existing SAP solution catering to the business needs with relevant Rol?
What is the scope of the expansion of the SAP solution across different units of your organization?
How to leverage and capitalize on the exisiting ERP system to fetch better results?
Our range of Advisory Services
Provides Solution ini Following Areas.

Business Case &
Business Planning

Our scheduling and budgettary knowledge portfolio help manage the project, right from its intiation to termination. Resource allocation, prevention of deadlock stage, and minimization of the overhead expenses are some of the project management parameters covered under our advisory services.

Evalution and selection
of the right solution

Our consistent practice of evaluating the software and the SAP solution ensures accurate advisory services sbout solution selection. We help customize the solution as per the business requirement. That is how we achieve the business goal with better utilization of the resources.

Management of
the projects

Our scheduling and bugetary knowledge portfolio helps manage the project, right from its initiation to termination. Resourse allocation, prevention of deadlock stage, and minimization of the overhead expenses are some of the project management parameters covered under our advisory services.

Technology Upgrading and
Process Improvement

Our advisory service at leveraging the exisiting technology and encompassing better and more robust business landscape. Our process improvement capabilities transform the IT infrastructure and introduce automation and the digitization at a larger scale.

System Maintenance &
Technical Support

Our expert panel of system maintenance advisory simplifies the maintenance criteria at the organizational level. We provide highly precise SAP's enhancement packages and technical support for the succesful grouwth of the business.

Why Zenith Techlabs?
We cover every stage of software development lifecycle
Our risk mitigation advisory is data and system governed
Our organizational advice is analytical and intelligence-driven
We leverage productivity by implementing small and positive changes in the business process
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